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The wellbeing reset

This wellbeing reset has been designed with fellow therapist Lucy Gardner. We have researched the concept of wellbeing over time, different cultures and contexts and have created a succinct yet holistic framework to enhance wellbeing.

  • 1 hr 30 min

    175 British pounds

What is wellbeing?


We describe optimum wellbeing as feeling healthy, fulfilled and being able to function in line with our potential and values, as well as living in harmony with others. 


This isn't always possible due to wider factors beyond our control. We can, however, use the agency and autonomy we do possess to address our wellbeing using the following domains: 


  • Emotional: our mental health, psychological states and ability to manage stressors 

  • Physical: our sleep, food and nutrition, hormones, and exercise patterns

  • Spiritual: our sense of purpose or belief in something greater than the sensory experience 

  • Social: the intimacy, support  and meaningful connections we co-create with others

  • Erotic: our creative and sensual energy and sense of vitality

  • Intellectual: our interests that relate to our cognitive curiosity

  • Occupational: our profession or what we do to make a living 

  • Financial: our relationship with money and economic security 

  • Environmental: our surroundings at home, in the community and in nature 

  • Cultural: our relationship to our heritage, upbringing and our intersectional identities 

  • Recreational: pursuing our interests, hobbies, play and ways of relaxing

  • Digital: our relationship with TV, social media, our phones and other online platforms 

How does the reset work?


There are many reasons why our everyday lives can get out of balance. You might have an idea about what obstacles are getting in the way of some of the specific domains or you might have a general sense that something needs to shift.


This wellbeing reset will guide you through these structured steps to facilitate this shift.


  • 1) Reflective questionnaire: you’ll complete a questionnaire that will encourage you to start reflecting on your wellbeing in the context of your hopes, values and inner resources. You'll be prompted to begin identifying goals and self-care strategies.


  • 2) 90 minute session: I'll facilitate you through a series of exercises that builds on your questionnaire responses.  As well as working towards a tangible plan, we'll also explore the process in the moment by addressing some of the unhelpful chatter and making room for more constructive self talk. 


  • 3) After-care pack: soon after the session, you’ll receive a personalised pack that summarises the session and provides you with  more in-depth information, resources and sustainable self-care strategies to embed at 1, 3 and 6 months following the reset. 


Although this has a therapeutic lens,  this wellbeing reset is not therapy. If you’re looking for therapy, please send me an email or you can look on UKCP, BACP and BAATN for other therapists.

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